The Story Behind the Story

Hello! Thank you for coming to visit my writing and business blog. Writing a book has been a lifelong dream for me and I’m super excited that you’ve joined me. Let’s start with a bit of background to put you in the picture. 

Inspo – Choosing a topic

The inspiration for my book came after the closure of my first and only proper business. In 2008 unexpected injuries called a temporary halt to my nursing career. Not to be outdone I decided it would be a good time to set up a business. The idea had been brewing in my mind ever since we returned from a year traveling around Australia at 60km in a converted 35-foot school bus called Tar Baby. 

It was quite the adventure and a story in itself.  Suffice to say that when you’re travelling long remote distances in a place like Australia, there are things that you need. Like a portable fridge for teeth-cracking cold beer, icy chilled white wine and oh yes, food. You might also want an air compressor, a battery charger, and a generator. And snatch straps in case your car needs to be pulled out of a bog, yes that is what they’re called.  

So, I decided to set up an online retail store called Easygogadgets where we sold all sorts of important gadgets for Australian adventure and leisure travelers. 

Easy you say? Well, no, not exactly …. It was more of a fast paced, exciting, learn by the seat of your pants, roller coaster ride. I learnt on the fly, everything from importing to copywriting to accounts management. It was my apprenticeship in business.

One of the highlights was a trip to Guangzhou, to visit one of the biggest trade events on the international trading calendar - the China (Canton) Import and Export Fair. People kept telling us that this fair was like LOTS of football fields joined together and stacked on each other. And they were right! It was so big you needed a map to find your way out of Macca’s at the food court, yes there was a Macca’s! Hubby was done with eating rice by this point. 

Every morning the hippy bus with fringed curtains and painted palm trees took us to the fair and every afternoon we’d stumble out and collapse onto our seats for the ride back to the hotel. We walked for five days straight, sourcing products, and negotiating with suppliers alongside high-flying corporate buyers in their suits, wielding black briefcases and doing deals for major retail chains across the globe. It was a real eye-opener!

Sadly, after a promising start, the business folded some years later due to product supply issues and the Aussie dollar gobbling up precious profit margins on imported goods. 

The Learning

Closing the business like that wasn’t quite the plan, but I learnt a lot. The experience of running a small business is rewarding and challenging and doesn’t always go as planned. 

By now I’d had a taste of working for myself. After a few years, I wondered if I could try again and start an author business.

Books that called to me 

When Covid turned the world upside down, I came across two beautiful books, Locavore by Amy Willesee, and Jobs for the Girls by Caro Llewellyn. Both books are anthologies - compilations of stories. I immediately fell in love with the story format.

I also talked to women in small business. After hearing their inspiring stories, I decided to shine a light on these stories, put them in a book and share them with the world.


I would interview businesswomen doing what they loved and share their unique stories with others who might have similar questions or desire to start a business.  

So, I finally had a topic and a format. I prepared myself by doing courses, reading books, listening to podcasts and talking to women entrepreneurs. I took the first step. My author journey had begun.

I’m currently at the gathering information stage. It’s already been a steep, wonderful, mad, heartwarming adventure so I’m strapping myself in for what promises to be quite the journey!

Until next time 


Kirsten Nixon

I’m Kirsten, an emerging writer currently working on my first book, Take the First Step. It’s a compilation of inspiring stories from women in small business - think chicken soup for women in business.

Take the First Step


The Interview Process