Health and wellbeing for writers


Hello dear reader,

In my day job as office manager for our family business I spend a lot of time sitting at my home office desk. I’m generally an active person and not good at sitting still for long periods of time. So, one of the hardest things I’m finding as a newbie writer is how much more time I need to spend at my desk. But there’s no way out of it, sitting at a desk is the best way to produce any sort of quantity of written work.

Then there’s the challenges of working from home. I know it sounds idyllic, but it does have its ups and downs. The upside - It’s the shortest commute ever and I get to pat the dog and hang out washing during my breaks. The downside - it’s very close to the kitchen and I can snack whenever I want. There are many distractions, and it doesn’t take much to get me off track.

I am my own worst distraction! And that snacking and sitting combo is guaranteed to add a kilo or two over time.No wonder I want to run away from my desk sometimes! So, can we stay healthy and fit even if our jobs keep us pinned to a desk? Yes! Absolutely I believe we can. As I’ve gotten older it’s become even more of a priority to feel strong, lean and well.

When I’m diligent with self-care it helps in every area of my life. My morning routines set me up for the day. I get up at five, have a cuppa and then meditate for twenty minutes. After that it’s forty-five minutes of exercise. Here are some ideas that help me to stay on track.



·      I exercise early in the day either at home, at the gym, or swimming in the local ocean rockpool. Once it’s done, it’s done! I feel invigorated and I continue to get all those feel-good benefits throughout the day.

·      I have an exercise buddy and we commit to three gym sessions a week. We adjust as we go. This has been a game changer for me. I’m not only getting to the gym but it’s so much more fun to exercise with a buddy.

·      Some days getting out of bed early is really hard! On those days I just need to show up. Once I get to my exercise destination at the appointed time, I just keep going. It’s all about creating and maintaining momentum. This is where having an exercise buddy can make a huge difference.


·      My daily goal is to eat regularly, wisely and widely.

·      Basically, that means lots of veggies, some grains and some fruits as well as healthy fats and proteins. Regular proteins and carbohydrates keep my blood sugar levels steady. This helps avoid that afternoon blood sugar crash that might see me demolishing a packet of Tim Tams in one hit. My favourite protein snacks include nuts, seeds and avocado on toast. For main meals I might add lean meats, fish, eggs and dairy foods.

·      I love a cup of tea and I have a ‘one cup before one pm’ rule with coffee. Then it’s water or herbal tea to stay hydrated.


·      Recently I was given a standing desk. This desk alone has been a huge benefit to my posture and back health.  It also allows me to move around a lot more and gives me a break from sitting whilst still being productive.   

·      One of the best things I did was to set up my desk and computer for optimal neck, shoulder and back postures as recommended by my physiotherapist. I’ve also invested in a good quality ergometric office chair.  

·      I set regular short breaks where I get up, walk, stretch, and move out of the office. This helps reduce eyestrain and repetitive strain injury. I use our kitchen timer, but you can also find a Pomodoro timer online here:

·      Often, I record thoughts on my phone audio as I’m walking and then use MS Word to transcribe the recording later.


 Sleep is crucial – it’s a time for rest, repair and regeneration. Seven to eight hours is great for me but it’s different for everybody.    



These tips are not anything new, but they can inspire us when we revisit them. Work out the best routine for you, to work, rest and play. Everyone has their own energy levels and rhythms. If you’re off track in some areas don’t beat yourself up. We all overindulge at times and life is constantly messing with our good habits!  The trick is not to stay in that space any longer than you must.  Start by changing one behavior at a time.

You’ve got this!

Until next time


Kirsten Nixon

I’m Kirsten, an emerging writer currently working on my first book, Take the First Step. It’s a compilation of inspiring stories from women in small business - think chicken soup for women in business.

Help! I feel like a failure


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