Help! I feel like a failure

Hello! Thank you so much for coming to visit my blog. 

Today’s subject is about feeling like a failure. This has been coming up a lot for me lately and for people around me too, so I thought it was worthy of a bit of exploration.

Everyone experiences failure at some point in their lives. It's a natural part of learning and growing. It can happen anytime but especially when you are stepping out and attempting something new – like writing a book or running a small business or creating a blog post.

Feeling like a failure can be a difficult and painful experience. You can feel disappointment, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. Sometimes you feel like a failure from not meeting personal or professional goals. Other times it might be from making mistakes or receiving criticism or rejection (Ouch).

Here are some things I’ve found helpful :

  • Acknowledge the emotions that are coming up.

  • Allow them. Sit in the discomfort. This can be hard, but the emotions do pass.  

  •  I remind myself that everyone experiences setbacks and failures in life.

  • I try to focus on what I can learn from the experience by asking myself:

What was the result I hoped for?

What was the result I got?

What can I do differently?

  • I practice self-compassion and avoid negative self-talk. To be kind and understanding with myself in the same way I would be with a child or someone I care about.

  • Another helpful strategy is to reach out to supportive friends, family members, or a mental health professional. Talking about your feelings with others can help you process your thoughts and gain a fresh perspective.

Some other things to think about:

  • Set achievable goals for yourself and make sure you celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may be. Your confidence and self-esteem will thank you.

  • Call results, results, without labelling one as success and one as failure.

  • Try to separate an outcome from your self-worth.

You are not a failure.

You just had a result that wasn’t what you hoped for.  Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and go forward wiser and stronger.

You’ve got this.

Until next time,

Kirsten x

Kirsten Nixon

I’m Kirsten, an emerging writer currently working on my first book, Take the First Step. It’s a compilation of inspiring stories from women in small business - think chicken soup for women in business.

Rising Together: How Small Businesses Lift Our Community Higher


Health and wellbeing for writers